Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10 Questions for God

Created completely by the students at Youth Group on October 11, during a discussion about prayer:

1. What do you want me to do?

2. How do you want me to do it?

3. The chicken or the egg? Does it matter?

4. How can I help you?

5. Why me?

6. Why are people so mean?

7. Is there a devil?

8. Are you male or female or neither?

9. Is the Bible still your word? It seems that people change it a lot.

10. What will happen to humanity?

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Summer 2010 High School Mission Trip Information

Western Kentucky Presbytery

High School Mission Trip

June 12-19, 2010

Sandy beaches, quaint shops, historical landmarks are the things that we associate with the Outer Banks of North Carolina. In Hyde County, though, hurricanes and unemployment have led to poverty. Here is an opportunity to serve and restore hurting areas of that community!

Who: High School Students (including rising freshmen)

What: Travel to the Outer Banks; 4 days serving on work projects and with a Kid's Club; nightly activities in the outer banks; worship and devotional time; Whitewater Rafting in the New River Gorge after our mission week is complete,

Cost: $400 per person Deposit Required by January 4: $60

We have 40 spaces available! To reserve your space, send a check for $60 (payable to: Presbytery of Western Kentucky) and the registration form (below) to:

Adam Quine

First Presbyterian Church of Owensboro

1328 Griffith Avenue

Owensboro, KY 42301

For more information, contact Adam Quine (270) 684-1467 or Becky Durham (270) 826-3981

Please note the following balance deadlines:

$170 due by March 1 2010; $170 due by May 1, 2010.

Summer 2010 Mission Registration Form

Presbytery of Western Kentucky

2010 High School Summer Mission Trip

Registration Form

Today's Date: __________________________________________

Name: __________________________________________________

Current Grade: ______ Birth Date: ______________________

Address: ________________________________________________

City/State: _______________________________ Zip: __________

Phone: __________________________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name: _________________________________

Parent/Guardian Phone: ________________________________

Church: _________________________________________________

Deposit Amount Enclosed: ____________

Note: please make checks payable to Presbytery of Western Kentucky

By signing this form, I am acknowledging that I am registering for the Presbytery's Summer mission trip to Swan Quarter, North Carolina. I understand that the total cost of this trip is $400 and that my $60 deposit is not refundable.

_______________________________________ ___________________________________

(Student Signature) (Parent/Guardian Signature)