Tuesday, December 12, 2006

We made the following video at Youth Group on Sunday night. Unfortunately several of our friends were out--but we hope everyone enjoys the broadcast!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Youth Sunday Was SPECTACULAR!

The teenagers in the youth group at the Presbyterian Church are *my* heroes! They did a great job with their service!

Ben played his trumpet...Sarah H. sang a solo...the youth choir sang a couple of songs...David, John, Robert and Sarah B. led prayers...The group led the congregation in several songs...Sarah H. gave a children's sermon...Aimee, Amanda and Sarah B. read scripture...we had a skit where everyone played a superhero who quickly realized that none of them were a greater super hero than God, and a skit where Harrison and John played Batman and Robin finding a clue about the Sacrifice of Jesus....Mary and Harrison shared messages they had written...We shared a slide show with the year's activities in pictures...Mary and Harrison gave a benediction and the youth choir sang a response.

It was a wonderful, hopeful, faithful day. I was very proud of the group for how they supported each other and worked together to share Jesus above all. At the second service, especially, they really seemed to relax and let God use them.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Youth Sunday, November 19

Our next Youth Sunday will be November 19! Our theme is "God is our Super Hero."

We need everyone to participate! Let me know if you have something special you want to do during the service, or if you have any skit ideas, etc.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Leadership Team Nominations

Tomorrow night at Youth Group (5-7 p), we will have our first round of Student Leadership nominations for the January-June term. The positions we will be accepting nominations for (along with grade requirements) are:

A. Bible Study and Prayer Leader (must be in 9-12 grade)

B. Service and Mission Leader (must be in 9-12 grade)

C. Games and Activities Leader (must be in 9-12 grade)

D. Communications Leader (must be in 9-12 grade)

E. Middle School Representative (must be in 7-8 grade)

F. Middle School Representative (must be in 7-8 grade)

To nominate someone for one of these positions, you must be an active member of our youth group and you must list your name, the nominee's name, and the reason why you think they would be a good pick for the job.

Also, we will begin planning for Youth Sunday on November 19!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Some end of the trip pictures

Pete and Carol's home on the beach in South Nags Head. We were so grateful for their generosity to our youth group! It was a beautiful home and a beautiful week!

The sunrise on the morning we left for home.

Jeremy. Donna, Josh, Harrison and Jeremy having one last laugh together over the 300+ pictures we took!

It was a mostly quiet drive home.

Jonas and Harrison at a rest stop in Virginia

We made great time on our trip home! We ate at a Dairy Queen, a Cracker Barrel and a Bob Evans on the trip and spent a night at a HUGE Presbyterian Church in downtown Charleston, WV. We got up about 5:00 our time Saturday morning and made it to Henderson at 1:30 that afternoon.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Pool Tournament Pictures/Results

Pool Tournament Winners:

8 Ball Teams Tournament:

1st place: Jeremy and David
2nd place: Aimee' and Jason
3rd Place: Jonas and Harrison
4th Place: Josh and Robert

9 Ball Singles Tournament:

1st place: Aimee'
2nd place: Jason
3rd place: Josh

Sportsmanship Awards:

Winner: Aimee'
Winner: Josh
Homorable Mention: Jeremy

The Trophies

The Awards Ceremony--Donna presented the trophies!

Fun Times On Our Last Day

Thursday Evening Devotional

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Evening Small Group

Q: “Who Do You Say I am?”

A: The Eternal King

Choose some readers to read John 20:10-23 and discuss the following questions:

1) Who does Mary think Jesus is? When does she realize that it is Jesus she is talking to?

2) What does Jesus tell Mary to do?

3) Why are the disciples hiding? What does Jesus show them and tell them?

4) How do you think that Mary and the disciples in that room would answer the question, “Who do you say I am?”

5) What difference does it make for you when you consider that Jesus conquered death and was resurrected? Is it hard for you to have faith in this miracle?

In your group, share prayers of thanksgiving for the week of memories! Thank God for each person and pray for each other. Bookmark your Bible for John 20:24-29 and make plans to sneak in your quiet time before we leave for home!

Wright Brothers Memorial and Kitty Hawk

Thursday Morning Devotional

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Morning Quiet Time

Q: “Who Do You Say I am?”

A: The Eternal King

Carefully read John 20:1-9 and answer these questions:

1) How do you think Mary during her walk to Jesus’ tomb?

2) How do you think Mary felt when she saw that Jesus tomb was empty?

3) How do you think the two disciples felt when Mary told them the tomb was empty?

4) What do you think Jesus’ disciples thought had happened?

5) How would you have reacted to the empty tomb? Would you have been confused? Would you be like the disciple who “saw and believed?”

Take some time to pray for your family back home and for the day ahead!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wednesday Evening Devotional

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Evening Small Group

Q: “Who Do You Say I am?”

A: The Lamb of God

Choose someone in your group to read John 19:16a-30. Discuss the questions!

1) What are some things that happened to Jesus in this passage?

2) Which of Jesus’ followers were with him at his crucifixion?

3) If you could interview some of these people, how do you think they would answer the question, “Who do you say I am?”

4) In light of this passage, why do you think Jesus is called the “Lamb of God?” What was accomplished through his crucifixion and death?

5) Does the crucifixion of Jesus make a difference to you and how you live your life? How?

Pray together as a group, asking forgiveness for your sins and praying for any prayer concerns. Mark your Bible at John 20:1-9 for tomorrow’s quiet time!

Playing on the Beach

Wednesday Morning Devotional

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Morning Quiet Time

Q: “Who Do You Say I am?”

A: The Lamb of God

Take a moment to read John 1:19-31 and answer these questions:

1) Who did the priests and Levites think John (the Baptist) might be? (v. 19-24)

2) Who did John call “The Lamb of God?”

In John’s day, lambs were used in sacrifices—a way for people to seek God’s forgiveness for their sins! A person would take a lamb to the Priest, and the Priest would slaughter it and offer it to God.

3) Why is it significant that John called Jesus the “Lamb of God?”

4) If you had been in the crowd that day, what do you think you would have thought when you heard John say these things?

Take a few moments and pray for the people you sat next to at dinner last night. Pray that God would draw you closer to him today!

Tuesday Evening Devotional

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Evening Small Group

Q: “Who Do You Say I am?”

A: The Bread of Life

Have someone in your group read John 6:25-30 aloud and then answer the following questions..

  1. Who is Jesus talking to in this passage?

  1. Why do you think Jesus compared himself to bread in this passage?

  1. What do you think Jesus wants the crowd to understand about himself?

  1. If Jesus is the Bread of Life, what kinds of things do you not need to worry about?

  1. What are some ways that you can share this Bread of Life with others?

Take a few moments in your group to pray silently in confession and to pray together as a group. Before you depart, bookmark your Bible at John 1 for tomorrow morning!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Roanoke Festival Park

David and one of the crewmen aboard the Elizabeth II

Josh and Harrison waiting patiently outside an exhibit.

Playing games at the settlement.
Jonas trying to walk on stilts.

Anna, the game leader, balancing a broom on her nose--a favorite game of children in the Colonial settlement.
Jeremy in armor
David working a turning mechanism that made table legs.
Aimee working a knife and a vice.
Josh in armor.
The gift shop!
Save me, fair prince!
I never thought Jeremy would be a pirate!

Josh and the Native American....