Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wednesday Evening Devotional

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Evening Small Group

Q: “Who Do You Say I am?”

A: The Lamb of God

Choose someone in your group to read John 19:16a-30. Discuss the questions!

1) What are some things that happened to Jesus in this passage?

2) Which of Jesus’ followers were with him at his crucifixion?

3) If you could interview some of these people, how do you think they would answer the question, “Who do you say I am?”

4) In light of this passage, why do you think Jesus is called the “Lamb of God?” What was accomplished through his crucifixion and death?

5) Does the crucifixion of Jesus make a difference to you and how you live your life? How?

Pray together as a group, asking forgiveness for your sins and praying for any prayer concerns. Mark your Bible at John 20:1-9 for tomorrow’s quiet time!

1 comment:

John J Skelly said...

becky...still envious in henderson. jane says our boarder is travelling to myrtle beach. will we ever see the sand again!

a thought...try to get a few hands pictures if possible..ex, hands in the sand, hands on the dteering wheel, hands on the bible or study, kitchen cleanup hands etc.

thanks for sharing the journey