Friday, November 07, 2008

Loucon: Sealed Orders

I'm posting some Loucon Resources today because 1) I know that no one who is going will have time today to check this site and 2) I have time right now and I know that won't be the case on Monday and if I do have time to post on Monday, it will be pictures from the weekend.

SATURDAY MORNING SEALED ORDERS (individual quiet times; we will start with the Nooma video "Sunday."

1. Do you attend church because you have to, because you want to, or because you think it's what you are supposed to do?

2. When it comes to church, what do you think God has in mind?

Read Isaiah 29:13

3. Consider this verse. What does it mean to honor God with your mouth, but have your heart be far from God?

4. In the video, Rob Bell said, "God does not want our empty rituals, God wants our hearts." How do we know that God has our hearts and we're not just going through the motions?

After you have considered these questions, spend a few moments in prayer. Be sure to listen to what God might say to you.


1. How much time do you spend worrying about what other people think of you?

Read Matthew 23:1-12

2. The problem was that the Pharisees were doing things NOT to please God, but to please and impress other people.

Have you ever done the church thing just to please or impress other people?

3. What do you need to do to become the follower God is calling you to be?

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