Sunday, March 07, 2010

Distractions, Water, and True Worship

Easily Distracted? This Is A Test! - Funny bloopers R us

What distracts you and keeps you from...
  • Studying?
  • Practicing?
  • Taking a test?
  • Worshiping?
In John 4:1-15, there is a lot of talk about water. The woman goes to the well to draw water. Jesus asks for water--this is surprising, of course because not only was she a woman, but she was a Samaritan woman. She questions Jesus and he starts to talk about Living Water.

What is this living water? She has a hard time moving from the physical water to Jesus' spiritual water. We're not sure how much the woman understood about Jesus' water.

In John 4:15-26, Jesus shifts slightly and the conversation moves to worship. What does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth (here are some of our suggestions)?
  • Nothing fake
  • Allow the Holy Spirit to work
  • Be honest about who you are and what you're struggling with
  • Don't allow yourself to be distracted
  • Worship anywhere
What does the woman seem to understand about Jesus as they finish their conversation?

If I want to experience the spring of living water bubbling up, what do I need to change?

How can I change my worship habits so that I worship God in spirit and in truth?

How can I worship God daily in spirit and in truth?

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