Sunday, November 02, 2008

Spiritual Discipline: Sacrifice

A talented teenager gives up going to art school to stay home and work to help his sick mother.

A child donates a toy to a children's charity.

A youth group gives money each month to help an orphaned child in another country.

A group of college students sacrifice one meal per week and gives the money they save to a charity that helps hungry people.

These are all sacrifices. Consider what these people each sacrifice? Who gave the most?

Do you give regularly of your time, money, or talents? Do you sacrifice popularity or plans? Do you ever have to lay your dreams aside for others?

What are some of the sacrifices you make for others?

What are some sacrifices you make as an offering to God?

READ Mark 8:34-37. What do you think Jesus means?

What might you lose when you follow Jesus?

What might you gain when you follow Jesus?

How can sacrifice build your faith in God?

Take some time to pray. What might God be calling you to sacrifice?

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