Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tuesday Evening Devotional

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Evening Small Group

Q: “Who Do You Say I am?”

A: The Bread of Life

Have someone in your group read John 6:25-30 aloud and then answer the following questions..

  1. Who is Jesus talking to in this passage?

  1. Why do you think Jesus compared himself to bread in this passage?

  1. What do you think Jesus wants the crowd to understand about himself?

  1. If Jesus is the Bread of Life, what kinds of things do you not need to worry about?

  1. What are some ways that you can share this Bread of Life with others?

Take a few moments in your group to pray silently in confession and to pray together as a group. Before you depart, bookmark your Bible at John 1 for tomorrow morning!

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